Grand Opening Mywebgenie online store
We have been wanting an online store for years, after working in corporate America for so long we have a lot to learn but, moving forward we hope others will help us along the way by trying our products and sharing with others.
Our plan is to bring quality items that we would buy, to the marketplace and hope you will trust and buy them from us. We will make sure your experience is awesome.
We have a passion for art and will offer items we design that are unique and a way to share with the world. We also have a love for animals, Dogs in particular, and plan to share things related to the things we love and care about.
We will need your help to make improvements. Our slogan is "Your wish is our command" we are serious about getting your support and making you our next friend and client. We will change our store as we get to know the markets and our clients to enhance your experience. Give us a try and let us know what you think.
Denise Reibel
Congratulations on the grand opening of your store. I really like some of your stuff.